============================================================================== Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM2 Cross-Identifications and Appendices (A.R. Klemola, R.B. Hanson, B.F. Jones, and D.G. Monet -- March 2004) Detailed Documentation text file: npm2cros.txt Arnold R. Klemola and Robert B. Hanson UCO/Lick Observatory, University of California April 2004 ============================================================================== 1. Introduction --------------- Results of the Lick Northern Proper Motion (NPM) program are presented in two major catalogs of stars, with 8 < B < 18, covering the northern two-thirds of the sky (dec > -23 deg). The Lick NPM1 Catalog (Klemola, Hanson, and Jones 2000; CDS catalog I/199A) contains 148,940 stars in 899 fields away from the Milky Way. The Lick NPM2 Catalog (Hanson, Klemola, Jones, and Monet 2003; CDS catalog I/283A) contains 232,062 stars within the Milky Way sky. Each NPM Catalog gives positions, absolute proper motions, and photometry, and limited cross-identifications with AGK3 (NPM1) or Tycho-2, Hipparcos, and ACRS (NPM2). Two supplemental catalogs provide extensive cross-identifications, stellar classifications, and literature references for NPM1 and NPM2 stars selected from Klemola's Lick Input Catalog of Special Stars (ICSS). These are the NPM1 Cross-Identifications and Appendices (NPM1 Cross-IDs, 41,858 entries; Klemola, Hanson, and Jones 1994; CDS catalog I/214) and the NPM2 Cross- Identifications and Appendices (NPM2 Cross-IDs; 46,887 entries; Klemola, Hanson, Jones, and Monet 2004; refer to CDS for catalog number). Each of the four catalogs has documentation in the form of a "ReadMe" file. Two journal papers describe the NPM1 (Klemola, Jones, and Hanson 1987, AJ,94,501) and NPM2 (Hanson, Klemola, Jones, and Monet 2004, AJ, in press) phases of the NPM program. A bibliography of papers and catalogs related to the NPM program is posted on the Lick NPM WWW site, at the URL http://www.ucolick.org/~npm Klemola's ICSS is a 300,000-entry compilation from over 1100 literature references over the past three decades. The ICSS represents some 220,000 "special stars" chosen by Klemola for their astrometric or astrophysical interest. Appendix A lists the publications consulted. The ICSS is the database used for "special star" selection for the NPM1 and NPM2 plate surveys. Klemola began compiling the ICSS in 1972, mostly using manual data entry, later incorporating some machine-readable catalogs and star lists from observatories and data centers. Most recently, several other catalogs, too late for inclusion in ICSS, were used for the post-reduction checks for NPM2. Appendix B lists and acknowledges catalogs secured from other institutions. 2. NPM2 Cross-Identifications file: npm2cros.dat ------------------------------------------------ This file, with 46,887 entries for 34,868 NPM2 "special stars", results from inter-comparison of the NPM2 Catalog and the ICSS, using extensive intermediate files containing ICSS information for each of the 347 fields surveyed for NPM2. (Multiple entries for one star occur for ICSS stars taken from more than one category or literature reference.) The data format of the NPM2 Cross-ID's file is given in the accompanying "ReadMe" file. Each entry gives the NPM2 Catalog "name"; the star name from ICSS; a stellar class code (KLA); the NPM2 J2000 position and B, B-V photometry; codes for identification reliability (ID), image quality (IQ), and footnote presence or absence (IN); and a literature or catalog reference (PUB) with its ICSS publication (REFs) and chart (REFc) reference numbers. A magnitude (mag) and color index (col) from the reference (PUB) are generally given, with codes (imt,ict) telling the type of photometry. Finally, two codes (T,H) note whether the star is in the Tycho-2 or Hipparcos catalogs. 2.1. NPM2 "name" ---------------- The NPM2 Catalog contains 108 one-degree J2000 declination zones, in the order from +83 through +00, then -00 through -23. Within each zone, stars are in J2000 right ascension order. The NPM2 Cross-IDs are ordered in the same manner. The NPM2 "name" (e.g. +83.0001) gives the declination zone and the star's four-digit number in R.A. order within the zone. The prefix 'NPM2' should be used (e.g. NPM2+83.0001) when necessary to distinguish NPM2 from NPM1 or another zone catalog with a similar star numbering scheme. The same NPM2 "name" appears on successive lines in npm2cros.dat when there are multiple ICSS identities for that star. Most stars have one entry, but many have two or more. A few have as many as 7 to 10 ICSS identities. We do not intend these to be complete. We recommend searching the SIMBAD database, using the NPM2 Catalog position, if a fuller list of identities and literature references is desired. 2.2. ICSS Star Name from Publications ------------------------------------- ICSS star names from the astronomical literature are limited to 15 characters, with long names truncated or abbreviated when necessary. 2.2.1. Ambiguous star names Some publications have designations which can be confused with stars from other lists that use similar leading characters. Some published designations were expanded for ICSS by prefixing first author names, shortened names, or initials. See NPM2 Appendix 3 (npm2ref1.dat) or NPM2 Appendix 4 (npm2ref2.dat) for examples. 2.2.2. Inadequate star names A problematical case where publication provides unlabeled numbers, usually 1-3 digits alone. Example: NPM2+61.0154 has the ICSS name "22". This case applies to some stars taken from the Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars (REFs=0816). SIMBAD search may clarify the identity for such stars. 2.2.3. Unlabeled stars in tables A few publications list coordinates but no (or insufficient) name data, or just a running number for stars. During compilation of ICSS, we invented a character prefix (e.g. SKM for Stephenson's survey of dwarf K and M stars; REFs = 0540). ICSS assigned running numbers for stars in publications whose authors had not done this. In other cases, we used the star position as part of the ICSS name. 2.2.4. Issue of nomenclature Databases such as SIMBAD use designations defined in the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects. Many of the references or star names in ICSS and the NPM2 Cross-IDs do not conform with the Dictionary. Section 3 discusses this issue in more detail. 2.3. Stellar Class ------------------ ICSS uses three-character class types (KLA) based mainly on classifications made by each reference's authors at the time of publication, sometimes decades ago. Shortening these to three characters sometimes obscures the original authors' classifications. One important change was that KLA = 'RED' for stars of spectral type M, in order to avoid conflict with the Mira variable stars' designation KLA = 'M '. Novae have KLA = 'NOV' to distinguish them from stars of spectral type N. The user should consult data centers and literature sources to seek modern stellar classifications and other information for NPM2 stars. The ICSS class code (KLA) is not definitive; we intend it to be used as a guide for users wanting to select subsets of stars of a given category from the NPM2 Catalog. The NPM2 Cross-IDs list a total of 164 KLA types: 56 reflect spectral classes, 95 are variable star designations, and 13 are cases where we assigned a single KLA to certain catalogs or regions of the sky. A null value, KLA = ' ', occurs for five rejected stars (Section 2.5), and is not counted as one of the 164 KLA types. Two NPM2 Appendices list the KLA types: NPM2 Appendix 1: npm2code.dat (164 KLA types listed alphabetically, with definitions) NPM2 Appendix 2: npm2code.txt (A text file grouping KLA classes by stellar type, etc.) 2.4. NPM2 Position and Magnitude -------------------------------- The NPM2 Cross-IDs list J2000 positions from NPM2, with right ascension truncated to 0.1 second of time, and declination truncated to one arcsecond. NPM2 B magnitudes are rounded to 0.1 mag. These values are intended for the purposes of stellar identification and extraction of stars from NPM2. The full values from the NPM2 Catalog must be used in any application where accuracy is needed. 2.5. Image Selection Codes: ID, IQ, IN -------------------------------------- Extensive coded notes were kept manually during visual selection of stars on the blue first-epoch plate with the Lick Survey Machine. The Survey Machine allows two plates to be mounted and blinked. These are normally the NPM field's blue first- and second-epoch plates. A small area around a given star can be examined in rapid succession on each plate in two blink modes: manual or motor-driven. This step verifies that the star images at each epoch are acceptable for astrometric measurement. The NPM plates have many images for brighter stars because (1) there are two exposures, the long (120 min) and short (1.5 or 2 min) displaced by about one 1' in right ascension; and (2) a parallel-wire grating is mounted in front of the objective lens, forming a north-south array of grating images whose lower orders (1,2,3) are roughly four magnitudes weaker than the zero-order (central) image. Especially in the dense NPM2 fields, many images are blended, so that less-than-ideal images must often be accepted for "special stars", where substitution by a different star is not possible, as it would be for anonymous stars. For each star surveyed, notes on the reliability of the identification were also made. These notes assumed that the original authors correctly identified the stars, except in a few cases (listed in Appendix C) where ICSS incorporated published errata, or where problems were resolved by communication with the author. Two image selection codes (ID, IQ) were assigned to each star at the Survey Machine, based on visual examination of the blue plates at both epochs. Occasionally, problematic cases were re-examined after post-reduction checks. ID= Code for identification reliability 0= acceptable, no comment. 1= confirmed (good/fair chart, variable star, proper motion star) 2= ID may be doubtful. Star may have footnote in npm2foot.dat (see code IN) 3= identification probably or certainly incorrect from pre- or post- reduction checking. Also used for very uncertain cases. IQ= Code for image quality 0= acceptable, no comment. 1= weak (faint) or oversize (bright) image (poor measures) 2= near-blend: neighboring star, grating image, film defect, elongated image, or reseau cross (on first-epoch blue plate) 3= reject image (survey code error, wrong exposure system, blank field, etc). Reject list: NPM2-22.1382, NPM2+05.2146, NPM2+07.1658, NPM2+60.0713, NPM2+62.1518. Rejects have KLA = ' '. IN= Code for footnote in npm2foot.dat (see ID and IQ): 0= no footnote, 1= has footnote 2.6. Publications and Star Reference Numbers -------------------------------------------- Publications (PUB) are expressed in compact 30-character forms, truncated or abbreviated as needed. A star identified in more than one publication has an additional line for each (with same NPM2 name). Each publication included in "Input Catalog of Special Stars (ICSS)" was assigned a star reference number REFs, running from 0001 to 1113 (with 2-3 unused numbers). Since the ICSS was used for star selection for both NPM1 and NPM2, the subset of REFs used for each program is somewhat different. The NPM2 catalog contains 570 references plus a null reference (REFs=0000), for a total of 571. 2.6.1. Null reference REFs=0000 The null reference is used for stars regarded as definitely or probably mis- identified. Others were simply too uncertain at the plate surveys, because of poor coordinates and/or charts. Most of the rejections resulted from post- reduction checking. There are 595 such stars in 347 fields, or 1.7 rejects per field. Because it is possible that a few of these stars may eventually turn out to have been correctly identified, the NPM2 and Cross-ID catalogs retain these stars (named ANON and called KLA='MSC'). The null reference is also used for five NPM2 stars (Section 2.5) rejected after uncorrectable plate survey errors were discovered. These five stars are retained in the NPM2 Catalog to preserve its star numbering system, but their astrometry is not useful. 2.6.2. REFs code The 570 publications and one null reference used for NPM2 are listed in two files of identical format, sorted by REFs number and by first author. NPM2 Appendix 3: npm2ref1.dat (sorted by REFs number) NPM2 Appendix 4: npm2ref2.dat (sorted by first author name). The format of these files is detailed in the NPM2 Cross-IDs "ReadMe" file. Section 3 addresses the issue of different nomenclatures used in the NPM2 Cross-IDs and in SIMBAD. 2.6.3. Duplicate references Four publications were accidentally taken twice: REFs 0117=0773; 0205=0688; 0402=0893; 0724=0936 Another publication was validly taken twice: REFs 0747=1022 The first contains only part of the stars; the second included the remainder. 2.6.4. Multiple publications In one case, three publications were given the same number: REFs=0021. This was a three-paper survey of carbon stars, where the star-numbering system runs consecutively. The first paper is cited in the Appendices 3 and 4. Nassau+,1954,ApJ,120,129 (Case 001-271) Nassau+,1957,ApJ,125,195 (Case 272-693) Blanco, 1958,ApJ,127,191 (Case 694-749) 2.7. Chart References --------------------- During compilation of ICSS, much effort was made to locate published finding charts to strengthen the reliability of identifications. Too often, star coordinates alone are unreliable, particularly in dense low galactic latitude fields. Therefore, a chart reference number REFc (A5 format) was also recorded in the ICSS, along with the star reference REFs (I4 format). REFc(2:5)='0000' means that no chart was used. Bonner Durchmusterung stars have REFc='D0000' to indicate that a chart exists. Stars identified from HST Guide Star Catalog positions have REFc='G0000'. Otherwise, the chart reference is usually the same as the star reference (given by REFs). Exceptions are usually variable stars (see Section 4.3), where REFc='Vnnnn' means that the chart is number nnnn from the source indicated by REFs. Appendix C lists several other exceptions. 2.8. Photometry from Publications in ICSS ----------------------------------------- The NPM2 Cross-IDs list available magnitudes, colors, and their types from publications. They are labeled "mags", "cols", and "imt, ict", respectively, in the "ReadMe" file for npm2cros.dat. Stars in some publications used in ICSS have no photometry listed. Many stars with published photometry were included in ICSS, for two reasons: (1) to use as standards to calibrate the NPM (blue and yellow) photography; and (2) to obtain kinematic data for stars with good photometry. NPM1 did rely on ICSS stars' photometry, but NPM2 used Tycho-2 stars instead. ICSS Colors, if available, are nearly all B-V. IMT= code for type of photometry (magnitudes) 0= none 1= Johnson V 2= Johnson B 3= m_pv (or visual estimate, or other yellow meas.) 4= m_pg (m_b and similar blue measures) 5= red (near-IR, other related types) from the following REFs(KLA): 0087(GM ) 0021(CAR) 0121(CAR) 0123(CAR) 0156(CAR) 0160(S ) 0206(IR ) 0339(CAR) 0340(S ) 1091(HAE) 1073(VAR) 1082(VAR) 1090(CAR) 6= uvby 4-color; or (rarely) Cousins magnitudes R_c,I_c 7= Hipparcos H_p or Tycho-2 B_T (rarely used) 8= JHKVLM near-IR bands (about 30 variable stars) ICT= code for type of photometry (colors) 0= none 1= Johnson B-V 2= other colors or estimates 2.9. Identification with Tycho-2 and Hipparcos ---------------------------------------------- Codes "T" and "H" indicate whether the NPM2 star is also in the Tycho-2 or Hipparcos catalogs. The main NPM2 Catalog identifies 90,690 Tycho-2 and 8,437 Hipparcos stars. Use the NPM2 "name" to access this information. 3. Publications Listings and Nomenclature: SIMBAD ------------------------------------------------- The nomenclature used in the NPM2 Cross-IDs derives from the ICSS, which was assembled independently by Klemola over several decades. For this reason, the NPM2 nomenclatures used may not conform to those used SIMBAD, especially when new ICSS nomenclature had to be invented for a publication without adequate star designations (see Section 2.2). As an aid to users of the NPM2 Cross-IDs, most of the publications (PUB) were compared with SIMBAD with regard to nomenclature. ICSS publication references used in NPM2 are given in NPM2 Appendix 3 (npm2ref1.dat; sorted by REFs number) and NPM2 Appendix 4 (npm2ref2.dat; alphabetical order by first author). The format (identical for both files) is given in the NPM2 Cross-IDs "ReadMe" file. These files list the following information: REFs= ICSS reference number PUB = abbreviated (A30) journal publication or catalog reference nref= number of ICSS stars from this reference occurring in NPM2. KLA1= Code for object class found in this REFs = '+++' = more than five classes (usually variable star catalogs) KLA[2-5] list up to four additional object classes in this REFs nomR= Nomenclatures used in this reference (A34 format) sim = Code for comparison with SIMBAD nomenclature. = ' ' = this PUB reference is found in SIMBAD = '0','1',or '2' = this PUB reference not found in SIMBAD = '1' = NPM2 used chart with labeled stars but no coordinates. Appendix D lists these chart references. Section 5.1 describes stars selected on such marked charts alone. = '2' = NPM2 used chart with unlabeled stars and no coordinates. Appendix E lists these chart references. Section 5.2 describes stars selected on charts alone. nomS= Nomenclature used in SIMBAD (A30) if sim = ' ' = 'SIM other', with B magnitude range if sim = '0','1',or '2' These stars might be found in SIMBAD by positional matching. When issues of nomenclature arise, we recommend using the NPM2 Catalog J2000 positions to get SIMBAD's list of IDs for the stars in question. Section 4. Major Stellar Classes in the NPM2 Cross-IDs ------------------------------------------------------ 4.1. Abundant Classes and Larger Catalogs ----------------------------------------- Several classes of stars are numerous in NPM2. Examples include early-type stars (OB,OBA,BAE), emission-line (ELS) and H-alpha emission (HAE) stars, carbon stars (CAR), late-type stars (DKM,DWF,RED M-types), uv-excess (UVE), uv-bright (UVB) stars, and various classes of variable stars. NPM2 Appendices 3 and 4 list star counts found in the NPM2 Cross-IDs from each publication. The ICSS incorporates several large catalogs. The selection of stars for NPM2 is quite incomplete for some of these catalogs. REFs nref Larger Catalogs in ICSS and NPM2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 5061 Variable Star Catalog (+REFs0614,0615,0616,0971,0972,0973,1003) 0005 1736 Washington Photoelectric Catalogue (Blanco+,1968) 0393 658 Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (Stephenson 1971) 0401 4412 Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way (Hardorp+,1965-69) 0608 1388 Hubble GSPC (Lasker+,1988) 0809 488 Preliminary Yale Parallax Catalog (Van Altena+,1991) 0810 261 Catalogue of Nearby Stars #3 (Gliese+,1991) 0811 3150 NLTT Catalogue of Proper Motions (Luyten 1980) 0813 1358 Lowell Proper Motion Survey (North) 0814 167 Lowell Proper Motion Survey (South) 0815 1249 Dearborn Red Stars ("Titanium Oxide Stars ...", Lee+,1947). 0816 2576 Catalog of Suspected Variables (Kukarkin+,1981) 0817 2634 Carlsberg Meridian Circle Catalogue (Team 1989). Sum CAMC 4-8 1091 1270 Cat. of H-alpha Emission Stars in N. Milky Way (Kohoutek 1997) 1100 433 New Catalog of Suspected Variables (Kazovarets+,1998) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Dearborn survey of 44,000 red stars (Lee+,1947, REFs=0815), only some 1200 were measured in NPM2. These stars are difficult to identify on the Lick plates. The Dearborn stars in NPM2 are all in the northern winter Milky Way, where Klemola made reasonably reliable identifications at the Lick Survey Machine by visual comparison of the NPM blue plate against a Palomar red print, to isolate the reddest star near the approximate Dearborn catalog coordinates. This excessively laborious work was then discontinued. Other catalogs with incomplete star selection for NPM2 include the very large Carlsberg CAMC catalog (REFs=0817), the Lowell Proper Motion surveys (REFs=0813,0814), and certain other long lists with poor coordinates and difficult charts. 4.2. Photometric Stars ---------------------- ICSS included references containing stars with UBV (or BV) photometry, originally intended for use in the NPM photometric reductions. In addition to the USNO Photometric Catalog (Blanco+,1959, REFs=0005) and Hubble GSPC (Lasker+,1988, REFs=0608), many other smaller sources were included in the ICSS. Many of these sources provide only charts with labeled stars and no coordinates (Appendix D). The NPM2 Catalog now provides accurate coordinates, making data for these stars readily accessible to users, ie. by obtaining the NPM2 Catalog "names"for these stars by selecting for the class codes KLA='UBV' or BV ' in the NPM2 Cross-IDs. 4.3. Variable and Suspected Variable Stars ------------------------------------------ Variable star data was added manually starting 1972-3 using then-available GCVS (1968) and supplements through Name List 72, with some time delay after each became available. Latest Name Lists 73-77 were not available for inclusion in ICSS before the completion of NPM2 measurements. The chart designation REFc in ICSS and NPM2 Cross-IDs uses the (up to) 5-digit running number common to GCVS and certain of its supplements. An exception is the set of Name Lists 67-72, where the chart numbering is internal to each and is not an extension of the GCVS system of designation. Instead, the ICSS uses the local 4-digit numbering from the Name List but adds prefix letter V, as warning for users. The post-GCVS4 "electronic" version, here labeled "GCVS4e", is the regularly updated version maintained at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow). Its URL is www.sai.msu.su/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/ "GCVS4e" was used only for post-reduction checking of the NPM2 Cross-IDs, and is not explicitly part of the ICSS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFs Title (variable star selection for ICSS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 GCVS (1968) plus supplements (1970-1977) with corrections 0614 67th Name List (IBVS 2681, 1985). First supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn 0615 68th Name List (IBVS 3058, 1987). Second supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn 0616 69th Name List (IBVS 3323, 1989). Third supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn 0971 ---- Post-third-supplement stars included in GCVS3 This increment was added manually to Lick ICSS Sum of the above is about equivalent to GCVS3 0972 70th Name List (IBVS 3530, 1990). First supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn 0973 71th Name List (IBVS 3840, 1993). Second supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn 1003 72th Name List (IBVS 4140, 1995). Third supplement. Chart REFc=Vnnn Sum of above is about equivalent to GCVS4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ICSS also includes the Catalogue of Suspected Variables (Kukarkin+,1981) (CSV, REFs=0816). The recent version New Catalog of Suspected Variables (Kazovarets+,1998) (NSV, REFs=1100) arrived too late for inclusion of its post-CSV stars in most NPM2 fields. Therefore, the added content of NSV, beyond the earlier CSV, appears only in the final NPM2 zones surveyed after 1998 (mainly the southern summer Milky Way). Other references also contain one or more variable stars. A listing by REFs of both main catalogs and most lesser sources includes these. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 0043 0158 0205 0238 0395 0563 0614 0615 0616 0688 0714 0750 0751 0824 0825 0826 0828 0833 0850 0864 0891 0892 0907 0949 0952 0958 0971 0972 0973 0974 0976 1000 1003 1004 1014 1020 1021 1022 1023 1025 1031 1042 1045 1046 1082 1100 1102 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Star Charts and Identification Issues ---------------------------------------- 5.1. Fields With Star Charts But No Positions --------------------------------------------- ICSS contains many references where only the field center position is given, along with finding charts. Stars on these charts may be numbered or not. The NPM2 Catalog now provides accurate positions, useful for searching (or supplementing) other databases. Fields with numbered star charts are listed in Appendix D. Most of these fields are centered on an astrophysically interesting object, with the numbered stars having UBV or BV photometry but no positions given. Fewer fields have un-numbered star charts; these are listed in Appendix E. They may contain open clusters (Ocl), planetary nebulae (PN), young stellar objects (YSO), and other low-latitude objects. In 10 fields, ICSS selected (and numbered) from 10 to 60 ostensibly anonymous stars. 5.2. Red Stars -------------- Identification of red stars (e.g. carbon stars and red variables) in the Lick blue plate surveys is often problematical. Blinking the Lick blue and yellow plates is generally not useful in detecting red stars. Especially in dense star fields, accurate identification requires good charts or precise positions. A particular problem is that a faint star may be wrongly identified near the position of a large-amplitude variable (e.g. Mira variables or carbon stars) that happened to be fainter than the Lick plate limit (B ~ 19) at the plate epoch. To help resolve these (and many other) cases, Klemola made extensive post- reduction checks of the NPM2 Catalog and NPM2 Cross-IDs against electronic versions of the GCVS4e and carbon star catalogs, the NASA SkyView database (mainly blue and red images and the 2MASS-J band), and other sources. 6. Summary: Using the NPM2 Cross-IDs to access the NPM2 Catalog --------------------------------------------------------------- We recommend that new users of the NPM2 catalog begin by examining the variety of stellar classes found in the NPM2 Cross-IDs. NPM2 Appendix 1 (npm2code.dat) translates the three-character codes (KLA) for 164 varieties of stars and (occasionally) non-stellar objects. NPM2 Appendix 2 (npm2code.txt) groups the codes into several categories. NPM2 Catalog data for stars of a desired class can be extracted in two steps: (1) find these stars by class code (KLA) in the NPM2 Cross-IDS (npm2cros.dat); and (2) use their NPM2 "names" to access the main NPM2 Catalog (CDS I/283a). If stars from a particular catalog or literature source (PUB) are desired, the REFs codes listed in Appendix 3 (npm2ref1.dat; numerical order) or Appendix 4 (npm2ref2.dat; alphabetical order) can be used in a like manner. For each of the 570 publication references (PUB), Appendices 3 and 4 also tell what classes (KLA) of NPM2 stars, and how many (nref) NPM2 stars, are drawn from that source. These two Appendices also provide information about the nomenclatures used in the NPM2 Cross-IDs and the corresponding designations in SIMBAD, when possible. Direct coordinate matching can also be used to locate NPM2 Catalog stars in SIMBAD and other databases. 7. Acknowledgements ------------------- We thank the National Science Foundation for its long-term support of the NPM program. The NPM2 phase was supported by NSF grants AST-9530632 and AST-0088105. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Appendix B acknowledges several individuals who provided catalogs or data for inclusion in ICSS. Appendix A. Publications Consulted for ICSS (1972 to 2002) ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Astronomical Journals -------------------------------------------------- Name From (vol) To -------------------------------------------------- ApJ 101 531 ApJL 148 526 ApJS 1 124 AJ 51 119 A&A 1 380 A&AS 1 147 MNRAS 117 328 PASP 66 113 Acta Astronomica 27 49 Bull. Crimean Astroph. Obs. 57 90 Bull.Spec.Ast.Obs. N.Caucasus 9 39 Arkiv f. Ast. 1 5 Proc.Ast.Soc. Australia 1 11 Bull.Ast.Soc. India 1 24 Pub.Ast.Soc. Japan 1 53 MNASSA 16 49 ACUSSR/Ast. Circ #201 #1551 Soviet Ast/Astron.Reports 1 42 Astron. Nach. 280 321 Bull.Ast.Inst. Czech. 1 42 Chinese Ast.& Astroph. 1 17 Observatory 44 111 Rev.Mex.Ast.& Astroph. 1 27 Mem.RAS 75 85 Mem.Soc. Italiana 32 61 Soviet Ast.Lett. 1 24 Space Sci.Reviews 21 46 Vistas in Astronomy 21 29 IBVS (some stars only) #1 #3400 J.Astroph.& Ast.(India) 1 17 Austral.J.Phys.(Ap.Supp) 31 48 Astrophys.& Space Sci. 39 236 Astrophysics (English) 15 41 Astroph. Lett. 1 26 JRASC 68 88 Kinematics & Phys.Cel. Bodies 10 14 Pub.Nat.Ast.Obs. Japan 1 4 -------------------------------------------------- 2. Observatory Publications -------------------------------------------------- Name From To -------------------------------------------------- Abastumani Obs. Bull. #1 #64 Ast.Abh.Sternw.Hamburg-Bergedorf v.1 v.10 Biurakan Obs. Soob. v.1 v.53 Pub.Istanbul Obs. #1 #20 Pub. Warner-Swasey Obs. v.1 --- Lowell Obs.Bull. v.3 v.8 Greenwich Obs.Bull. #1 #191 Ann.Roy.Obs. Greenwich #1 #11 Verof.Ast.Rechen-Inst. Heidelberg #1 #31 Soob. Ast.Inst. Sternberg #126 #204 Pub. Ast.Obs. Padua #121 #175 Izv. Pulkovo #154 #206 Mitt.K-Schwarzschild Obs. Tautenberg #1 #104 Ann.Tokyo Obs. v.1 v.22 Bol.Tonantzintla y Tacubaya #1 #38 Bol. Inst. Tonantzintla v.1 v.3 Investigation Sun and Stars (Riga) v.1 v.11 Ric. Ast.Obs. Vatican v.1 v.8 Pub.Vatican Obs. v.1 v.1 Pub.Beijing Ast.Obs. v.22 v.22 --------------------------------------------------- Appendix B. Catalogs From Data Centers and Observatories for ICSS ----------------------------------------------------------------- For historical reasons, ICSS, started in 1972, was primarily compiled by hand. More recently, machine-readable catalogs from data centers and observatories were incorporated into ICSS. Some such additions replaced earlier incomplete compilations with the full catalog. An example is the USNO Photoelectric Catalogue (REFS=0005). Following is a list of catalogs incorporated into ICSS. In several cases we acknowledge the individual astronomers who supplied their catalogs to us. Catalogs not specifically acknowledged were obtained from the ADC and CDS data centers, or from electronic journal tables. Not all stars from all catalogs were taken for ICSS, whose southern declination limit was generally about -24 deg. ------------------------------------------------------------------ REFs KLA Publication Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0005 UBV Blanco+,1968,P.USNO,21 0401 OB Hardorp+1959, LumStars North 0519 DKM Stephenson,1986,AJ,91,144 0608 BV Lasker+,1988,HST GSPC B. Lasker (STSCI) 0635 VAR (Unpublished) E. Helin (Palomar Obs) 0809 YPC v.Altena+,1991,YaleParCat#3 0811 HPM Luyten,1980,NLTT 0813 HPM Giclas+,1971+,Lowell Bull 0814 HPM Giclas+,19xx+,Lowell Bull 0815 RED Lee+,1947+, Dearborn Ann 0816 VAR Kukarkin+,1981,CatSuspVar 0817 CMC Carlsberg,1989+,La Palma Cat L. Morrison (RGO) 0819 COM Stone,1978,AJ,83,393 R. Stone (USNO) 0976 CV Downes+,1993,PASP,105,127 0997 WD Fleming+,1996,A&A,316,147 1005 HYA Hanson,1975,AJ,80,379 1008 UVB Smith+.1996,APJS,104,287 1022 CEP/UBV Henden,1996,AJ,111,902 1023 CEP/UBV Henden,1996,AJ,112,2757 1069 HPM Wroblewski+,1996,AAS,115,491 1073 VAR Henden+,1998,AJ,115,296 1082 VAR Metzgar+,1998,AJ,116,469 1090 CAR Stephenson+,1989,PWAS,3,#2 1091 HAE Kohoutek+,1997,HambSTW,11. 1100 VAR Kazovarets+,1998,NSV ------------------------------------------------------------------ Other catalogs secured from data centers or observatories, some too late for inclusion in ICSS, were used only for post-reduction checking, or not used at all. Post-reduction checking also made direct use of SIMBAD (CDS), ADC (NASA) and SkyView (NASA) facilities via Internet query for references and some individual objects. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFs KLA Publication Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0971 VAR Kholopov+,1982+,GCVS4 1083 GAL Weinberger+1995,AAS,110,269 S Skiff 2001 (Dolidze cat S,C,MS star pos) CAR Alksnis+,2001,GCGCS VAR Samus+,2004,GCVS4e Sternberg Ast.Inst. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C. Special Notes for Some References in ICSS and NPM2 Cross-IDs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFs KLA Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0004 CPM Also KLA = 'WD '. Manually took only WD and CPM pairs (Lowell survey). Later added all stars for north (REFs=0813) and south (REFs=0814). 0090 FBS Charts (REFc=0091) in Feige, 1959, ApJ,129,600 0319 DKM For non-DM stars: created names like (SS HHMMDSSs,+DDMMSS). 0393 OB Took V,B-V from Reed (1993,APJS,87,367). 0540 DKM Created names SKM nnnn (running number). 0575 RAD Stars included in Hering+, 1986, Inf. Bul. CDS, No.30, 61 0600 UVE Charts are in REFs=0601. 0635 VAR Helin 1 (V 1710 Sgr), Helin 2 (V 3668 Sgr) 0810 CNS Preliminary Catalogue of Nearby Stars #3 received from H. Jahreiss (Astr. Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg) with un-numbered stars denoted 'NN'. Later CNS version from CDS adds numbers for these stars. CDS star numbers adopted for NPM2 0813 HPM Charts in REFs=0004 (north). 0814 HPM Charts in REFs=0004 (south). 0817 CMC Sum of parts (CAMC 4-8) taken from ADC. Used earlier CAMC 1-4 and CAMC F (=faint) from L. Morrison (RGO), but later added updated edition CAMC 4-8 to ICSS. Only small fraction of CAMC stars were explicitly selected for NPM2. Positional comparison of NPM2 with CAMC will reveal many more CAMC stars present in NPM2. 0867 OB ID's uncertain 0884 UBV Chart from Metik,1960,Izv.Crimean Ap. Obs. 23,60 0893 ELS ID's uncertain on charts 0895 ELS ID's uncertain on charts 0912 UBV Added anonymous (no photometry) stars for some fields 0974 NOV Compiled list of recent novae (ark) 0976 CV Used corrected version in REFs=1045 1017 MSC "HST Hyades Parallax Stars: Reference Stars" (from Van Altena) 1038 UBV Took UBV from Marsh+ (1997,MN,286,369). 1091 HAE Charts from REFc=1092 Kohoutek+,1997, Abh.Hamburg Stw,11,No.2 1101 CAR ID's uncertain on charts 1107 HAE Corrections from McConnell+,1983,VatPub.,2,#5 1108 HAE Corrections from McConnell+,1983,VatPub.,2,#5 1109 HAE Corrections from McConnell+,1983,VatPub.,2,#5 1110 HAE Corrections from McConnell+,1983,VatPub.,2,#5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix D. Fields With Numbered Star Charts But No Positions ----------------------------------------------------------------- REFs KLA Field (with center coordinates only) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0322 UBV Palomar-Groningen variable stars (fields GP-1 to GP-4) 0323 UBV Optically identified radio sources (2 fields) 0330 UBV Kapteyn Selected Areas (SA 57) 0369 UBV Anti-center field around carbon star BC 185 0377 UBV Variable star RU Aur and SVS 2184 (=v335 Aur) 0379 UBV Carbon star variables (3 fields) 0388 UBV Variable star IK Tau (=NML Tau) 0404 UBV v404 Cyg field 0412 UBV Supernova 1980k (in NGC 6946) field. 0418 UBV X-ray nova Mon (= A0620-00) field. 0419 UBV Nova v373 Sct field 0427 UBV QSO field 3C 147 0431 UBV Seyfert galaxy MCG8-11 field 0435 UBV BL Lac object OJ-131 (rest too late) 0436 UBV QSO field 3C 120 0446 UBV v1343 Aql (= SS 433) field (= REFs 0681, duplicate) 0451 UBV VV Pup field 0515 UBV Carbon star W CMa in CMa OB1 0584 UBV Orion flare star fields: Andrews 1 and Andrews 2 0663 UBV Field of v1057 Cyg 0684 UBV Old nova N Gem 1892 (=SY Gem) field 0686 UBV MV Lyr (CV binary) field 0687 UBV v803 Aql field 0705 UBV Extinction study fields (SH 1-89, NGC 7048, M 1-77) 0711 YSO YSO field in Sharpless 187 complex 0712 UBV Cyg X-2 field 0713 YSO PMS stars in dark clouds (L1529, L1544, L1551, LKHA 120) 0716 UBV FU Ori field 0722 MSC XR. X-ray source E 2000+223 (old nova) field 0727 XR +MSC. Einstein survey in 4 fields (Table II) 0734 UBV Anti-center field (chart from REFs=0735= AJ,72,1199,1967) 0744 UBV Variable CV type v426 Oph field 0748 DCL Dark clouds Bok 227 and Lynds 121 0761 ELS Emission line stars in IC 434 0777 UBV Emission nebula M 17 (Table 1 only) 0778 UBV Emission nebula IC 1795 = W 3 (Table 1 only) 0779 UBV Photometric sequences in 2 Taurus fields (Tau 1, Tau 2). 0782 OB OB stars in Kapteyn SA 98 (= REFs=0822, duplicate) 0783 UBV Globule Lynds 810 (star formation) 0784 UBV Bok globule Lynds 810 0786 UBV Photometric sequences in Pup: Loden 1+, Loden 1., Loden 1- 0793 OBA Cluster NGC 2175 in H II region: Sharpless 252 0794 UBV Star formation region Lynds 1251 (made ID corrections) 0798 OBA +RED Planetary nebula NGC 7139 and nearby fields 0806 UBV Sharpless HII regions: S 47, S 112, S 208, S 148/149, S 198 0808 UBV ROSAT source fields: REJ2249+583, REJ2117+484 0822 OB (= REFs 0782, duplicate) 0841 OB OB stars in Pup (Table I only) 0845 MSC EUVEJ2114+503 field (with chart) 0847 UBV Nova-like CV's (20 fields): CI Aql, v794 Aql, v1289 Aql, KR Aur, v363 Aur, BY Cam, v410 Cas, v425 Cas, v592 Cas, v747 Cyg, v751 Cyg, v1162 Cyg, v1776 Cyg, MV Lyr, v380 Oph, v442 Oph, UW Per, FY Per, V Sge, QQ Vul 0851 UBV WW Vul field (inner field) 0852 UBV Anti-center field: SSA BE28 (= REFs 0837, duplicate) 0853 UBV Sharpless 187 complex (Table 2) 0854 OB OB stars near MM Cyg 0869 OB New OB stars near galactic nebula M 17 0871 OB +MSC. Region of emission nebula IC 1795 0879 UBV Star forming region with v1331 Cyg 0881 UBV Cluster near cloud Lynds 1642 (Orion) 0882 UBV Star forming region 3.3 Mon 0885 UBV Star forming regions around LKHA 198 and LKHA 234 0886 UBV NGC 7023 (1 Cep) star forming region 0897 OBA Chart REFs=0899. Luminous stars in Kapteyn SA: BSA2,3,23,39 0898 OBA +RED. Chart REFs=0899. Luminous stars in Kapteyn SA: BSA8 0899 RED Kapteyn SA: BSA2, BSA3, BSA23, BSA24 (took sp=M) 0908 OB Exciting stars in 11 Sharpless H II regions (took candidates) 0910 UBV Sharpless H II regions (11) 0911 UBV Sharpless H II regions (5) 0912 UBV Anti-center: 25 H II regions (young stellar groups) 0913 UBV Sharpless regions (S 209, S 241, S 283) 0935 UBV Fields of TX Cam and NML Tau 0940 UBV Aql field (only) 0950 UBV Delta Lyr field 0967 RNB Reflection nebula fields (5) with star formation 0968 RNB Reflection nebula fields (took central star) 0977 MSC Bok globule B5 field 0980 UBV Planetary nebula fields: NGC 2346, NGC 2440, NGC 6567 0989 YSO Star formation region CMa R1 1002 UBV Dwarf nova fields (30) 1028 UBV LP Cep field ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix E. Fields With Neither Numbered Stars on Charts Nor Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFs KLA Fields (anonymous stars selected on charts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0007 PN P 169-00.1 0363 PN PN 160-0.1, P 163-0.1, P 170+4.1 0466 PN PN 167-00.1 0643 YSO IRAS 04579+4703, IRAS 051337+3219 ("IR") 0700 PN PNG 160.7-2.9, PN163-0.1 0970 Ocl NGC 1193, NGC 1245, NGC 1605, NGC 1664, NGC 1857, NGC 1883, NGC 2192, Cr 62, Czernik 20, King 17, Ruprecht 148 = Basel 9 Stock 10, BE 11, BE 12, BE 14, BE 15, BE 16, BE 18, BE 68, BE 70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arnold R. Klemola Robert B. Hanson 2004 May 05; revised 2004 May 7