% ADC.STY Astronomical Data Center Style File, \typeout{Document Style 'adc', <15 Mar 1993>, Astronomical Data Center, NASA/GSFC} % % Definition List: A definition list is essentially the same as a description % list, except that there is a required argument specifying the indentation to % be used, and the list items are left-justified in the item columns, rather % than right-justified. % \newcommand{\definitionlabel}[1]{\bf #1\hfill} \newenvironment{definition}[1]{\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\labelwidth}{#1} \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}\addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep} \renewcommand{\makelabel}{\definitionlabel}}}{\end{list}} % % Reference List: A list of references is formatted with no item label, the % first line of text flush left, and all subsequent lines in the reference % indented a few spaces to the right (like ApJ references). % \newenvironment{references}{\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{3ex} \setlength{\itemindent}{-3ex} \setlength{\listparindent}{\itemindent} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{1pt}}}{\end{list}} % % Titlepage: definition modified from titlepage.sty % \def\docauthor#1{\gdef\@docauthor{#1}} \def\docno#1{\gdef\@docno{#1}} \def\maketitle{\begin{titlepage}\setcounter{page}{0} \null\begin{center}{\LARGE \@title \par} \vskip 1em {\Large \lineskip .75em \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par} \@ifundefined{@docauthor}{}{ \vfil {\large Documentation for the Computer-Readable Version} \vskip 1em {\large \@docauthor \par} \vfil {\large Doc. No. \@docno \par} \vskip 2em {\large \@date \par} \vfil \begin{tabular}[b]{c} National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)/ \\ World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites (WDC-A-R\&S) \\ National Aeronautics and Space Administration \\ Goddard Space Flight Center \\ Greenbelt, MD 20771 \end{tabular}\par} \end{center} \par \end{titlepage} \let\docno\relax \let\docauthor\relax \gdef\@docno{}\gdef\@docauthor{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{} \let\maketitle\relax} % % Commands for special symbols. \newcommand{\degree}{$^\circ$} % Following commands are deprecated. Future usage will not be supported. % % Commands for putting degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds over % decimal points. These commands must be used in math mode. % \newcommand{\degdot}{.\!\!^{\circ}\!} \newcommand{\mindot}{.\!^{\prime}} \newcommand{\secdot}{.\!\!^{\prime\prime}} % % Page margins % \oddsidemargin 0in \evensidemargin 0in \marginparwidth 0.25in \topmargin -.5in \parskip 11pt \parindent 0pt \textwidth 6.5in \textheight 8.5in